Laruicci Promotional Video

brad cool blokeI was the fashion and hair stylist on this promotional short and mute video to promote the new additions to the Laruicci collection.  The concept was to showcase the jewellery through movement and light, whilst also highlighting that the collection is gender fluid and both men’s and women’s collections can be worn by either gender.

I was particularly excited to take part in this work as I’d just completed my Degree Dissertation on ‘Gender fluidity – a fashion trend or a mainstream movement?’.

Laruicci Autumn/Winter 16 Ad Campaign


Larucci nice

I was the fashion and hair stylist for this exciting shoot in the East End for the avant garde jewellery brand Laruicci’s 2016 Autumn/Winter advertising campaign.

The styling was designed to be clean, chic and sophisticated, but with a more mainstream look than their previous campaigns.  The fashion and hair were kept simple, sleek and understated, to showcase the power and simplicity of the jewellery to greatest effect.

I worked on the shoot with the jewellery designer herself Lauren Rucci and photographer Jack Cullen

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